Non confondiamo microfibra con lana..
per esempio sul forum della meguiars (forums/showthread.php?42509-What-would-you-use-a-Wool-Polishing-Pad-for),
un utente scrive:
Wool Pads Pros & Con-Pro- wool is faster cutting and generates less friction heat and therefore leaves the surface cooler, removes heavy oxidation much more efficiently than a form pad. Wool pads are easier to control compared to foam. They glide as the wool nap lies down and will conform to vehicle body shape easily. Make certain to spur the wool fibres when it loads up with product. Removes heavy oxidation much more efficiently than a form pad
Con- wool can leave micro marring (buffer trails) finish with a foam pad to remove. Don't overwork the polish as wool will break diminishing abrasives faster than foam, the surface lubricants will dry up faster and you could end up dry buffing unless you're careful. More polish is required when using wool, especially when using finishing wool.
There are too many variables with different wool and foam types, along with too many compounds to give a definite choice.
General notes -
Wool pads work with a centrifugal action (rotary polisher) they are not recommended for use with an orbital"
Dice i pro,( taglia velocemente, è più stabile rispetto alla spugna e genera meno calore...) e i contro (taglia troppo, può lasciare ologrammi o swirls, consuma più prodotto...) ma sopratutto, in grassetto,
i tamponi di lana funzionano con l'azione centrifuga (rotativa) non sono raccomandati con l'uso di una rotorbitale.
Non spiega il motivo e non trovo risposte in internet..
Ho letto anche su altri forum italiani mi pare lo sconsigliare la lana con la rotorbitale..
Perchè? Crea danni? (non credo) Altrimenti testo io una volta per tutte!